17:42:09 #startmeeting 17:42:09 Meeting started Mon Sep 10 17:42:09 2018 UTC. The chair is qqx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:42:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:42:21 OK 17:42:29 #chair qqx bdmc dfrustaglio dsmadcow 17:42:29 Current chairs: bdmc dfrustaglio dsmadcow qqx 17:42:44 #topic Agenda additions 17:42:44 so first business who is going to be there this week? 17:43:08 I think typically the first thing is if there's anything to add. 17:43:10 I am certainly planning on doing so. 17:43:12 I don't have anything 17:43:17 no additions from me 17:43:28 Nor me 17:43:30 Just a speaker question for me. 17:43:47 The lost is found. 17:43:47 OK, I am in Hilton Head so I will not be there 17:43:57 #topic September meeting 17:44:14 Do we have a speaker? 17:44:23 I'm planning to be there, weather permitting. 17:44:40 I don't think I will make it due to the weather. 17:44:52 As I said before you arrived, I have never heard anything from Michael North about speaking to our meeting, any month. Anybody else? 17:45:27 bdmc: I do not have any leads myself 17:45:40 I do not have any leads either 17:45:50 I do not have anyone until after january 17:46:14 I was going to suggest a "what's happening in my life" sort of session. Five or more minutes, random talks. What do you think? 17:46:55 One thing we should do is an intro to linux thingie 17:47:14 Talking to new members, soem said they want to learn but know nothing 17:47:21 "Command Line for Newbies?" 17:47:24 Just trowing that in the air 17:47:33 Or Desktop, or both? 17:47:48 Both I guess. We could ask in the list 17:48:11 And then throw the session open to suggestions from the floor. 17:48:23 Yep 17:48:34 could also recommend Linux culture. The Code linux movie, Free as in Freedom PDF 17:48:42 I like. Better than my suggestion. 17:48:48 Agreed 17:48:56 Revolution OS is anothe movie 17:49:16 they are free to watch on YouTube now 17:49:32 Don't forget The Cathedral and the Bazar. ( sp!!! ) 17:49:34 kind of dataed but the message gets accross 17:49:41 * raub wish there was an open source equivalent to youtube... 17:49:45 that is a good one also 17:50:17 Out of those 3, which one should we pick? 17:50:27 Three? 17:50:47 Revolution OS is my favorite 17:50:56 I thought we listed 3 movies 17:51:19 Ohh. I thought all were being recommended. 17:51:30 How long they are? 17:51:50 a little more than an hour 17:51:58 Ohhh. You mean actually WATCH them, not just recommend them? 17:52:18 If we do not have a speaker, we need *some*thing 17:52:40 yeah I guess make it movie night 17:53:19 I thought that you were planning a show and tell of "Linux For Newbies," that that the books and movies were to add to that. 17:54:02 I am not planning anything, honestly. Throwing ideas out to see how we can save the meeting 17:54:36 whatever you feel is best 17:54:53 Yes, and I had understood this to be a "plan," not just random ideas. 17:55:50 We have some ideas now on the floor. What should we do then? 17:56:17 I do think we have been missing the new linux enthusiast in our presentations 17:56:38 In fact I was going to propose a hacknight 17:56:57 I like how you started. A "Linux For Newbies" night, with Desktop, Command Line, Book and Movie Recommendations, suggestions from the floor. 17:57:03 But we have nothing for Thursday; might as well come up with something fun 17:57:43 bdmc: I am game for that 17:58:24 Perhaps a list of "essential applications," although that list will be pretty obvious. Browser, LibreOffice, .... 17:59:18 Ok, since I am not going to be there, who is going to update the meeting slides for this month and do the accouncements? 18:00:47 dfrustaglio: where are the slides? 18:01:04 qqx: any thoughts? 18:01:06 they are on the google share 18:01:26 K 18:01:52 just edit an existing deck 18:02:25 I'm not sure that trying to make something to draw in newbies fits well with scrambling at the last minute for *something*. 18:02:57 qqx: it is *something* =) 18:03:24 qqx: But, if you have an idea please do put it on the floor 18:03:24 qqx: so you are suggesting that we build up to that, and have lots of PR and advertising? 18:03:26 Sure, but I'm not convinced that it would actually be helpful for newbies. 18:04:08 My concern wasn't so much the PR angle, but having a presentation that was prepared. 18:04:30 qqx: I do agree I would like to have done this a bit better 18:04:44 That is why I was also proposing a plain movie night 18:06:03 I suppose that if a lot of people are of Lauren's mind, that might be a good filler. 18:06:30 I tend to agree with him, considering his commute. 18:07:22 So, given the limitations we have including time, what should we do? 18:08:28 If we want to put in some time, and make a polished ( or at least "formed" ) presentation on this, rather than "seat of the pants," then the movie night would work for me. 18:08:57 I would suggest showing the movie 18:09:05 or two 18:09:34 just download it first and then show it through VLC. Do not trust the internet streaming 18:09:40 or cut the meeting short -- might not be a bad idea, if the forecasts come true 18:09:59 Oh yeah. Hurricane 18:10:07 I'd say just one movie. Leave some time for discussion afterward. 18:10:18 If forcast comes true depending on where it hits, I will be evacuating 18:11:04 They are saying somewhat North of you, but not a lot. 18:11:07 We can announce that we will have a meeting, an dbecause of hurricane (and we are not FL), we will be doing a movie night 18:11:40 now that is some marketing :-) 18:11:56 And tell people that if they feel like avoiding windy day, we understand 18:12:03 dfrustaglio: always ;) 18:12:32 Which movie(s)? Havign plan B is always nice 18:12:57 I seem to remember three mentioned above. 18:13:11 Revolution OS, 18:13:26 and the code Linux 18:13:35 So, we pick 2, download them as dfrustaglio suggested, and off we go 18:13:41 was there a third? 18:14:02 or, is there a third? 18:14:13 there was no third, I was suggesting reading material also 18:14:19 Aha 18:14:20 so was I 18:14:36 Ok, then 2 movies it is. Which one is the primary? 18:15:04 I don't know Code Linux. I liked the other. 18:15:16 It has been quite a while since I saw it. 18:15:21 Rev OS is my fav of the 2 18:15:30 * raub humbly admits he never saw either 18:15:45 Your education has been sadly neglected!!! 18:15:55 Rev OS with Code Linux as backup? 18:16:04 bdmc: That is a cross I must carry 18:16:24 B-) 18:16:35 I will vote Aye. 18:16:42 Me too 18:17:19 me too 18:17:21 So, who wants to send out the announcement? You know, the one that is yet to be written ;) 18:18:36 I think that it should come from the President. 18:19:54 I can put it together quickly before 3 18:19:55 18:20:04 Will do it then 18:20:20 Anything else we want or need to talk about? 18:20:37 nothing here 18:20:37 * raub just had a pre hurricane network loss 18:21:02 For the pizza order, I'm thinking we should expect a low turnout. 18:21:03 They doing a "special test" for you? 18:21:04 Just what, but we can do it in th elist, we do need to talk about the ATO event 18:21:14 qqx: agreed 18:21:22 bdmc: think so ;) 18:21:35 Do you want to take a couple of minutes to do that, now? 18:21:47 If everyons is cool, sure 18:22:12 I have a meeting at 2:30. 18:22:22 I have been wondering what I am expected to do. I did see a message from ( you, I think ) about that. 18:22:30 AFAIK two non-officers volunteered to help during ATO 18:23:00 I'm going to be out of town for ATO. 18:23:02 Mostly just Introduce Speakers, and stand around. ( do we have a "booth?" ) 18:23:04 bdmc: I do not know either; I assume we are going to act like standard volunteers but just for the linux track 18:23:18 and we will have some stuff about trilug there too 18:23:27 bdmc: you type faster than me 18:23:35 B-) 18:23:54 The message might have been from Todd. 18:24:11 We can reach out to him 18:24:21 I think we need at least 6 people 18:24:34 I'll look, then and "remember" that message. 18:24:38 qqx won't be able to attend 18:24:40 Each day, or overall? 18:24:52 bdmc: that is the question 18:25:01 Is it 8h a day? 18:25:22 more or less. Probably don't need to count the evening events. 18:26:09 So I think 3-4 people a day so someoen can take bathroom breaks or go see a presentation 18:26:11 Let me find that message, and, probably, contact Todd for requirements. 18:26:23 raub: that was my feeling, too. 18:26:28 Can be the same people of course ;) 18:26:41 I was planning on being there all day every day. 18:26:59 yeah but you do want to be doing stuff for you 18:27:00 Not necessarily "on duty," though. 18:27:06 Exactly 18:27:31 And, that is also my plan 18:28:13 So, we currently have 4 volunteers, not necessarily for ALL the hours? Or more people? 18:28:28 I think so 18:28:42 I am planning on being there both days for whatever we need 18:28:53 thanks dsmadcow 18:28:56 Thank you. That makes five, right? 18:29:09 Yep 18:29:36 Oh, I forgot: 18:29:47 OK, need to do a bit more promotion ( volunteering ). I would think that at least two people at all times. 18:30:07 qqx: just left 18:30:15 #action raub create and send out the meeting message to the list/meetup/whatever 18:30:27 what the heck 18:30:39 bdmc: what what? 18:30:50 qqx said he had to run 18:31:00 #action bdmc contact Todd regarding ATO Linux Track requirements. 18:31:33 just formalizing 18:32:09 dfrustaglio: Aha 18:32:16 bdmc: Aha 18:32:23 Aha what? 18:32:33 bdmc: just formalizing 18:32:36 B-) 18:32:59 Anywhoo, I think we covered the main issues: pissa, event, ato 18:33:17 Speaking of Pizza. Last month numbers, or even less? 18:33:43 Less. I expect not many will show up 18:33:55 "Bring your own?" 18:33:56 They may not want to end up in OZ 18:34:23 Half a dozen? 18:34:45 that or 8 tops 18:34:55 Sounds good. Thanks. 18:35:18 Anything else? 18:35:28 nothing here 18:35:32 Not from me. 18:35:35 gonna grab a beer 18:35:47 dfrustaglio: heh 18:35:57 dsmadcow: ? 18:36:04 never touch the stuff. Wine, maybe. 18:36:17 no I am good 18:36:28 Although I haven't used WINE in a long time. 18:36:45 I'll quite babbling. 18:36:49 bdmc: ;) 18:36:59 arrrgh. s/quite/quit/ 18:37:01 Allright then. It was a good meeting 18:37:18 #endmeeting 18:37:31 Nice having everybody around. 18:37:46 Didn't work. What next? 18:38:05 Oh well. Did you run "#startmeeting"? 18:38:11 qqx did. 18:38:35 #endmeeting