17:31:59 <raub> #startmeeting 17:32:00 <Tribot> Meeting started Mon Oct 8 17:31:59 2018 UTC. The chair is raub. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:32:00 <Tribot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:32:33 <raub> #chair bdmc dfrustaglio dsmadcow raub 17:32:33 <Tribot> Current chairs: bdmc dfrustaglio dsmadcow raub 17:32:48 <raub> #topic Check for Agenda Additions 17:32:59 <raub> Anythng we should add to the agenda? 17:33:16 <dsmadcow> nothing from me 17:33:23 <dfrustaglio> nothing from me 17:33:54 <raub> I will take bdmc's silence means he also has nothing 17:33:58 <raub> #topic Current Topics 17:34:06 <raub> Ok, so drupal talk is this week 17:34:24 <raub> The meetup announcement I unleashed sucks 17:34:48 <raub> We still need to announce it here on the list and other places 17:34:52 <raub> Who wants to do it? 17:35:20 <raub> I also take we the members are sponsoring the event? 17:35:25 <dsmadcow> I can make the twitter anluncment 17:35:42 <raub> dsmadcow: please do 17:36:34 <raub> If nobody has time I wil do the announcement on the list 17:36:49 <raub> Later this month we have the ATO conference 17:37:43 <raub> I should eb able to come up with an old 26" imac, which I will install linux in. Backup should be monitor and a computer 17:37:54 <raub> I will know by the end of the week 17:38:06 <raub> wifi on it works fine under linux 17:38:19 <dfrustaglio> If nobody has any suggested changes to the brochure I proposed, I can get them printed this week before Thursday 17:38:26 <dsmadcow> that sounds good, I will have my laptop there as well if needed 17:38:31 <bdmc> Do we want to get together, briefly, before ATO, to check the setup and train the rest of us? 17:38:53 <raub> dfrustaglio: I emailed a few questions last week or the week before. Did you see them? 17:38:57 <dsmadcow> that might be a good idea to get together before han 17:39:00 <dfrustaglio> also, are they supplying a table? or do we bring our own? 17:39:02 <raub> bdmc: Yes 17:39:13 <bdmc> They are, as far as I know. 17:39:20 <raub> dfrustaglio: - They provide: table, cloth, curtain, power, and wifi 17:39:47 <bdmc> Standard conference fittings. 17:39:58 <bdmc> ( trade show ) 17:40:04 <raub> bdmc: heh 17:40:12 <raub> I take there will be 2 chairs 17:40:26 <raub> I should be ordering the stickers today or tomorrow 17:41:22 <bdmc> Do we want to talk to Dr. Warren about using a room over there, the week before ATO, or somewhere else? 17:41:38 <raub> Also this thrusday's meeting we will be getting a blinking tritux for the conference 17:41:41 <raub> bdmc: sure 17:41:59 <raub> (we will also have a non blinking one for speaker) 17:42:05 <bdmc> Great! 17:42:08 <dsmadcow> good 17:42:43 <raub> So, I think that bdmc and dsmadcow will be in the conference. 17:42:50 <bdmc> Yes. 17:42:52 <raub> dfrustaglio: I think you said you can't 17:42:56 <dsmadcow> yes I will be ther both days 17:42:57 <bdmc> Both ( all three ) days. 17:43:07 <dsmadcow> Monday and Tuesday for me 17:43:20 <raub> We need to be there on Sunday to set our table up AFAIK 17:43:29 <dfrustaglio> I can probably do the Sunday 17:43:48 <bdmc> I have given ATO two, four-hour shifts, one Monday and one Tuesday. 17:43:54 <raub> I am not very hot about where our table is but we have a table and that is all that matters 17:44:01 <raub> bdmc: impressive 17:44:17 <raub> I should tell them if they need I can be around on standby 17:44:23 <bdmc> I didn't look at the map. Is our table back in the dark, next to the kitchen? 17:44:40 <raub> Let me email it since the listserv did not like it 17:45:38 <bdmc> I will check my timetable, and let you know soon when I am not available. I think it is something like 11-3 Tuesday, but I don't remember Monday. 17:48:01 <raub> K. I will try to be there at all times there is nobody else, otherwise will find presentations and meet people 17:48:14 <raub> I will be sporting my trilug shirt mon and tue 17:49:24 <bdmc> Found it. 2-5:30 Monday, 10-3 on Tuesday. 17:50:22 <bdmc> OK, back to Thursday. Do we want to discuss pizza yet, or leave it for later in the week? 17:50:29 <raub> We still have one empty spot 17:50:36 <raub> bdmc: we need to do it today 17:50:51 <raub> But first, 17:50:57 <raub> #topic Future Topics 17:51:08 <raub> Are we still good for zenoss? 17:51:45 <dsmadcow> yes we are good for zenoss in Nov, I have bio and blurb 17:52:03 <dsmadcow> I requested $300 for sponser but have not got an answer on that yet 17:52:13 <raub> K 17:52:30 <raub> I take we will be sponsoring the meeting ourelves this week 17:52:56 <raub> So, under 17:52:59 <raub> #topic General Business 17:53:22 <raub> I do not know if we should expect a full house this week 17:53:41 <raub> So I am wonderinf if a reduced pizza order is in, well, order 17:54:05 <dfrustaglio> I thought Drupal would be a popular topic 17:54:23 <raub> dfrustaglio: That is what I am asking 17:55:52 <dsmadcow> No response to the metup yet, I have sent out the twitter annoucment already and I am working on the announce email and will get it out in a bit 17:56:10 <raub> dsmadcow: thanks 17:56:23 <dsmadcow> Can we wait until tomorrow and see if we get some response to the annoucements, that may give us an idea 17:56:35 <bdmc> I think that it is too early to call, since I fell down on things and didn't push for an announcement last week. 17:57:38 <dfrustaglio> to other matters, I will edit the slides and push up to the drive 17:59:04 <raub> dsmadcow, dfrustaglio, bdmc sounds like a plan 17:59:55 <raub> Other than that, the only things I think we need to talk about is getitng more speakers and sponsors 18:01:28 <bdmc> I know that we are "good" up to the end of the year, but that is tomorrow. Do we have any "on deck" for the beginning of next year? 18:01:45 <raub> bdmc: exactly 18:02:00 <dfrustaglio> ok, just go a hot incident ticket, I have to roll 18:02:08 <bdmc> Have fun! 18:02:08 <raub> I hope we make some contacts in the ATO conference, but that feels like all eggs in one backet 18:02:12 <dfrustaglio> see youall THursday 18:02:16 <raub> dfrustaglio: send a postcard! 18:02:54 <bdmc> OK. We have talked about a Linux for Beginners night. Or a CLI Linux for Beginners. 18:03:25 <dsmadcow> I think the LInux for beginners/CLI is a good idea 18:03:27 <bdmc> Do we want to think about "exotic" technology, or "standard" stuff, or both? 18:03:36 <raub> bdmc: yes 18:03:38 <bdmc> ( other topics, not the Beginners ) 18:04:20 <raub> the Beginners' event does not need to be a normal meeting; we haven't done a hacknight in a while. But it could also be 18:04:36 <bdmc> Block chain is a current hot topic, particularly as implemented in cryto-currencies, but also "smart contracts." 18:04:37 <raub> We should gather feedback from the members 18:04:47 <bdmc> Agreed. January? 18:05:09 <bdmc> Beginners for January, or later? 18:05:35 <bdmc> We have had a couple of things that are cloud-related recently. 18:05:43 <raub> bdmc: perhaps, which means we will need to star asking them soon 18:06:23 <raub> ANother thing is that I want members to feel they do not need to have created the internet or invented hard drives to come and talk 18:06:24 <bdmc> exactly -- wait until this announcement has had a bit of time to circulate, and then send out a message, perhaps later this week? 18:06:53 <raub> bdmc: let's send out an email either Friday or early next week 18:07:17 <bdmc> Absolutely. The focus is on non-experts, we don't need to assume that experts are giving the talk. 18:07:40 <bdmc> Part of what we discussed was "hints and kinks." 18:07:51 <raub> Also, trilug talks should primairly be about something you are passionate about 18:08:30 <bdmc> Naaa. B-) 18:08:41 <bdmc> As dry and boring as possible. 18:08:55 <raub> With lots of ads? 18:09:02 <bdmc> Yep! 18:09:11 <raub> Hah 18:09:14 <dsmadcow> can we skip the ads 18:09:18 <dsmadcow> please 18:09:22 <raub> dsmadcow: lol 18:09:26 <bdmc> Well, if you insist. 18:09:36 <raub> bdmc: how bad are we financially speaking? 18:10:10 <dsmadcow> I sent out the announce email to the trilug-annouce list, but I am not seeing it yet, it might need to be approved before it will send out. 18:10:32 <bdmc> Not bad at all. Let me look -- no, I don't have access to that account here. My impression is that we have something like $500 in the bank. ( credit union ) 18:11:09 <bdmc> Hmmm. I don't even see the "needs approval" message. 18:11:21 <dsmadcow> yea I did not get that either. 18:11:23 <raub> bdmc: for the normal list you don't 18:11:33 <bdmc> OK 18:11:57 <raub> But I din't see it there 18:12:16 <bdmc> Would you like me to go in to the CU today --- oops, can't today. But right away, or leave it until Thursday? 18:12:36 <dsmadcow> yea it shows sent from my email. it may take a bit to get there I guess. 18:12:44 <raub> Don't kill yourself bdmc. Your guess is good for me 18:13:03 <dsmadcow> ok I need to drop, I will see you all Thursday night 18:13:11 <raub> But I would like as a goal for next year is $1K in sponsorship 18:13:16 <raub> Seeya 18:13:22 <raub> or more 18:14:03 <bdmc> Oh, at least, since our expenses approach $200 per meeting. 18:14:41 <raub> bdmc: I would love $2K yearly sponsorships. Need to find out what it takes for us to get that 18:15:12 <raub> There are some possibilities but I have asked not to announce them yet 18:15:17 <bdmc> Completely agree. That would help us take a proper breath. 18:15:24 <raub> But not 2K or even 1K 18:15:37 <bdmc> Multiple $500 would work, too. 18:15:48 <raub> Yeah. Until we have that much guaranteed, it is hard to evolve 18:16:20 <bdmc> What we need is sponsorship on more than the "per-meeting" level. 18:16:46 <raub> bdmc: my point exactly 18:17:06 <raub> Which means we need to make the case for why someone would drop that much on us 18:17:34 <bdmc> Agreed. Do we need to start an e-mail conversation, or an in-person meeting? 18:18:09 <bdmc> ( I'm going to have to push off fairly soon. ) 18:18:22 <raub> I need to myself. I am way past my allocated time 18:18:32 <raub> Let's try whichever works first 18:18:43 <bdmc> OK. See you Thursday, talk to you before. 18:18:55 <raub> K 18:18:59 <raub> #endmeeting