16:33:19 #startmeeting 16:33:20 Meeting started Mon Apr 28 16:33:19 2014 UTC. The chair is billf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:33:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:33:32 #chair coxn mhrivnak justis IsharaComix billf 16:33:33 Current chairs: IsharaComix billf coxn justis mhrivnak 16:33:57 who's here ? mhrivnak says he is going to miss todays meeting 16:35:08 #topic May 8 Meeting: Systemd 16:35:51 IsharaComix: any luck getting the May meeting listed on the Durham LUG meetup page ? 16:36:45 We are two weeks out from the meeting. we should do some more promotion 16:37:12 #action IsharaComix will submit the May 8 meeting to the Durham LUG meetup page 16:37:48 I'm here 16:38:15 a little distracted, though 16:38:22 * justis looks around for IsharaComix 16:39:16 #action IsharaComix will post a reminder on the General ML 16:40:08 #action billf will send David Both the speaker info 16:41:37 #action billf will email alpo regarding the election prep 16:41:44 anything else for May ? 16:42:07 feels like I am talking to an empty room... :-( 16:42:23 #topic June 12 Meeting- Women in FOSS 16:42:36 looks like coxn is on top of this one - good 16:43:08 #topic OSS bookkeeping talk - Eric Leary 16:43:16 I can't think of anything else for May 16:43:35 I sent Eric an email this morning asking him about talking in July. 16:44:01 #topic By-laws 16:44:40 #action everyone needs to review the by-laws and give feedback to mhrivnak by tonight so we can move this along 16:45:08 I'm happy with it as it is 16:45:14 I gave plenty of feedback at our meeting 16:45:49 #action mhrivnak must publish the draft and announce the vote by the end of today to have 10 days notice. 16:46:01 thanks for keeping track of that 16:46:14 #topic General Business 16:46:19 sorry I'm late 16:46:29 * coxn reads scrollback 16:46:30 I have not ordered the business cards yet... 16:46:59 remind me what the business cards are for 16:47:17 justis: handing out to people we meet who might be TriLUG presenters or sponsors 16:47:26 right on 16:47:48 I will create the ballot paper and include the by-laws vote on it. "Vote to approve the proposed by-laws - Yes/No" 16:48:06 sounds good 16:48:21 ah both - we need membership cards and into cards 16:48:36 s/into/info" 16:48:53 right right 16:48:59 okay I feel caught up 16:49:01 #action billf will create the ballot paper and include the by-laws vote on it. "Vote to approve the proposed by-laws - Yes/No" 16:49:13 ok, anything to add at this point ? 16:49:24 or I am done and I can get back to work :-) 16:49:35 I think we're done 16:49:43 I feel caught up and I feel like you covered the important things 16:50:14 please add anything to the meeting slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eJtikGjSwZJHc4DPnBHAD2B7o-NAlw93jAqdsJVX62Y/ 16:50:29 oh, elections. 16:51:01 I am thinking of running again next year, but I want to do PR and not chair. 16:51:44 * coxn nods 16:51:50 billf: thanks again for your leadership 16:52:12 thanks 16:52:39 shall we close the meeting ? 16:52:49 I'm good, yeah 16:53:23 quorum ! 16:53:33 billf: thanks for running the meeting! 16:53:37 #endmeeting