18:03:51 #startmeeting 18:03:51 Meeting started Tue Feb 24 18:03:51 2015 UTC. The chair is isharacomix. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:51 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:57 #topic March meeting 18:04:06 I've got room reservation submitted 18:04:26 I noticed that the meeting announcement doesn't appear on the front page? 18:04:33 did someone else invite tribot, or did my invite finally work? 18:04:45 wait 18:04:50 I will not be at the March meeting 18:04:56 the march meeting announcement is after the workshop announcement 18:05:13 let me see if i can fix that... 18:05:17 is there a way to pin it to the top? 18:05:24 maybe we can 1984 the publication dates. :) 18:06:00 just change the date on the story 18:06:20 kay. 18:06:26 like that 18:06:43 awesome! thanks 18:06:56 It'll be neat if michael can secure funding 18:06:56 billf is quick on the draw 18:07:36 Are we gonna try another hack night in mar? 18:07:58 so I suggest that we send out another meeting announcement next week 18:07:58 yep 18:08:19 OK. We're ahead of the game on this one. :) 18:08:20 i want to make the hack nights a regular monthly thing 18:08:24 are there any other groups that might be interested in this meeting ? 18:08:39 devops? triangle sysadmin? network engineers? 18:09:07 can people elect a group and send the organizer an invite please 18:09:29 Sure. Which of these meetups are people members of? That should be the first pass. 18:09:53 i help out with triangle devops 18:09:57 i host them at webassign 18:10:06 so that'd be an easy one 18:10:14 Good idea 18:10:50 #action whippythellama communicate the march meeting to triangle devops 18:12:00 #action isharacomix will reach out to nc*sa 18:12:29 cool 18:12:40 billf: we should arrange a transfer of the a/v setup between now and the march meeting 18:13:12 where about do you work / live? 18:13:16 approximately 18:13:50 the key equipment is my personal laptop and webcam :-) I live in north west raleigh 18:14:38 well, i can obviously grab the webcam from you - how possible would it be to set my laptop up like yours? 18:14:38 if someone was going to do the recording, they will need a laptop with webcamstudio installed 18:15:05 I need my webcam for home security while I am away. sorry 18:15:11 ah, gotcha 18:15:24 ok, i have mine, and i think i have a spare here somewhere 18:15:31 let's do this... 18:15:38 All right. Can we do this one offline and move on? :) 18:15:45 #action whippythellama to coordinate a/v setup and knowledge xfer with billf 18:15:53 like that :) 18:15:54 and put on wiki 18:16:00 guvcviewer might do a reasonable job too, especially if you only have a single camera 18:16:11 #topic Code of Conduct meeting review 18:16:24 whippythellama, sorry you missed us. it was a good discussion 18:16:29 yeah, sorry about that 18:16:53 I think action item #1 is figuring out this phone business. There were good arguments for and against. 18:16:54 forgot to put it on my calendar, so it didn't exist - got overtaken by other commitments :( 18:17:16 Coxn is paying for the phone as a donation, so it's not a financial burden 18:17:55 However, there's problems of nobody calling it, it not having signal when it is called, and (importantly) people who answer the phone needing training 18:18:49 There are folks in favor of just a well-publicized conduct@trilug email address that goes to the right people. 18:19:07 i like that idea 18:19:31 I personally think it would be nice to set up something like a gvoice number so that it can be assigned to volunteers ad-hoc and also so voicemails go to the aforementioned conduct email. 18:20:09 sounds good. 18:20:20 * coxn darts in 18:20:21 yeah, good idea 18:20:24 gvoice++ 18:20:30 * coxn darts out to get lunch 18:20:42 @isharacomix++ 18:20:43 lol 18:20:45 it also allows us to deal with the situation of not having the phone available 18:20:55 That's coxn's vote. Are there any objections to me making a gmail account? 18:21:04 none here 18:21:12 I'm thinking trilug-conduct@gmail.com, forwarding to conduct 18:21:30 password will be on wiki and blah blah blah 18:21:33 i like it 18:21:37 Who has the phone right now? 18:22:05 I need someone to be there to activate the gvoice forwarding when I create the number 18:22:41 doesn't coxn still have it? 18:22:48 jackhill: ? 18:22:51 Either coxn or jackhill 18:23:02 #action isharacomix will make the new google account and set up google voice 18:23:36 #topic Open steering meetings 18:23:46 Another topic that cameup was the idea of public steering meetings 18:24:08 Concerns are less about trying to do things secretly, and more about dealing with questions when we consistently run over time. 18:24:29 My idea was to figure out how to set up tribot to do voice locking during meetings. 18:24:35 i'm not sure how opening the meetings will help with not running over time 18:24:43 unless i'm missing something there 18:24:58 I made that point too 18:25:02 we were worried that opening the meetings would make us run over time 18:25:13 ah - *that* i get 18:25:47 My rational for the biggest win is that folks who attend voluntarily might be awesome candidates for officers 18:25:58 it's a great way for the average member to get involved 18:26:06 Are there any thoughts? 18:26:18 just that we do run tight on time 18:26:21 and 18:26:42 we could have a monthly "business meeting" on irc that's open to everyone 18:26:43 we would need to automate it. and decide if we kick people out after the meeting 18:27:02 My idea: from 1:00 to 1:30, it's 'read only'. volunteers can see, but not speak 18:27:03 either transform one of the weekly meetings into that, or add another meeting 18:27:33 isharacomix: what about outside that time ? 18:28:00 I personally think it could be open at all times. We do that for #ncsulug-business 18:28:03 agreed; most weeks at least one or two of us have a hard stop at 1:30 18:28:43 do we want to make a new #trilug-business for this purpose, and keep #trilug-steering as the invite-only channel, when needed 18:28:56 so how do we have a private off air conversation ? 18:29:32 Either whippythellama's idea (business vs steering) or we kick people out of steering on those occassions. 18:30:22 I think I would prefer a different channel for meetings 18:30:23 i'd prefer not to have to check who's on steering 18:30:28 maybe trilug-sys 18:30:35 Fair enough. Anyway, I just wanted to bring it up. Let the idea stew for a bit. 18:30:49 or just do it on #trilug and force people to watch :-) 18:30:50 (also, we kind of keep old volunteers around in here. :P alpo, coxn) 18:31:07 #topic General Business 18:31:10 any last words? 18:31:37 i put those sign-up form templates up on the gdrive 18:31:44 cool! 18:31:52 think we could get the membership forms on gdrive as well? 18:32:04 i think it would be a grand idea :) 18:32:20 i don't know if i have a copy of those, but i'll look 18:32:49 They're supposedly on pilot, but every time I've looked I've had trouble getting to them 18:33:09 I'm probably doing something wrong and not being patient enough to figure it out 18:33:36 Anyways. Let's call it a meeting. Thanks for getting tribot back. :) 18:33:43 #endmeeting