Jan 12 Workshop: Raspberry Pi
Topic: Raspberry Pi
When: Saturday, January 12, 9am - 5pm
Where: 331 W. Main St - Basement, Durham, NC
Map: Google Maps
Meetup Page: RaspPi Meetup
- "Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation"
This workshop is a follow-up to the Triangle Linux Group's January 10th meeting, which will be all about Raspberry Pi, and may also interest you: http://www.trilug.org/2013-01-10/Raspberry_Pi
At least some of us SplatSpacers who will present at TriLug will be present for this workshop. There isn't an agenda beyond sharing knowledge, helping one another out, and showing off what's possible with the Pi. If you're doing something cool with your Pi, please come and show it off! If you have a Raspberry Pi but want to know more about what it can do, or how to set it up, come on down!
If you don't yet have a Raspberry Pi, the distributor we recommend is Newark: http://www.newark.com/ Their inventory is in South Carolina and tends to ship very quickly for Triangle residents.
See you soon!