April 9 Meeting: Living the Devops!
Topic: Living the Devops!
Presenter: Barry Peddycord III
When: Thursday, 9th April 2015, 7pm (pizza from 6.45pm)
Where: NC State Engineering Building 3 Room 2201, Centennial Campus
Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free after 5pm
Map: Google Maps
Synopsis: This presentation will introduce and describe the workflow and tools used by the Customer Engineering team at Cumulus Networks to manage and improve their internal infrastructure. The team is distributed from San Francisco to Cary to Wales, and uses a combination of issue tracking (Jira), version control (Github), and configuration management tools (Puppet) to manage a fleet of Virtual Machines that provide continuous integration, package management, and other services for the team to use. This presented assumes no prior knowledge of the tools that will be discussed, and should be approachable to a general audience with a technical background.
Bio: Barry Peddycord III is the current chair of the Trilug Steering Committee and has been an active member of Trilug since 2011. Barry holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Science from NC State, and has recently started working at Cumulus Networks, a company that develops a version of Linux designed to run on network switches.