[Dev] Are we on for a prelim meeting on the 23rd? And meeting the 2nd and 4th Saturdays? (was: Reading Circle)
M. Mueller (bhu5nji)
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 11:08:27 -0500
On Tuesday 19 February 2002 10:58 am, you wrote:
> [2002-02-19 10:43] prhodes@vdsinc.com said:
> | It seems that nobody has spoken up yet, with any opposition to meeting
> | the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month,
> | for our little reading circle. So, unless somebody has something to say
> | about it now, we're going to adopt that?
> sounds good to me.
> | Also, are some (all, even?) of you up for a preliminary meeting on the
> | 23rd ( this Saturday )? There seemed
> | to be some consensus to allow a couple of weeks before the first "real"
> | meeting, to allow people to
> | get their books and "brush up".... but their seemed to be some support
> | for the idea of a "prelim" meeting
> | this weekend, to discuss how this is going to work, etc. Probably it
> | will just turn into some geeks B.S.'ing
> | about geek stuff, but hey.....
> I'd not be opposed to a couple/few hours of B.S.'ing around.
I have a permission slip that good for 1 hour.
> | Anyway, let's decide what we want to do.... I'm not sure what the status
> | of Brent's conference room is,
> | but I imagine that we need to decide something soon, so he can make sure
> | the room is reserved, if
> | we are indeed going to meet this week.
> I have the room reserved for Saturday, 23 Feb, if we do end up doing
> a preliminary meeting.
> cheers.
> brent