[Dev] GCC Front end anyone?
Andrew C. Oliver
Wed, 29 May 2002 14:31:17 -0400
John F Davis wrote:
>Geoff Berry of Bops. Considering that Bops is closing their shop, he'll
>probably be looking for a job.
Well I'll give him 90% of what I'm making off of it....oh wait... I'm
not making anything ;-)
I'm doing this to brush up on my C and have an alternative to Java
that's OO and doesn't suck.
(C++ in my view, Sucks)
>"Andrew C. Oliver" <acoliver@apache.org>@trilug.org on 05/29/2002 02:18:47
>Please respond to dev@trilug.org
>Sent by: dev-admin@trilug.org
>To: dev@trilug.org
>Subject: [Dev] GCC Front end anyone?
>Has anyone done any work on the internals of GCC. Specifically language
>front-ends? I'm working on creaing a GCC front end for
>http://www.digitalmars/d. The front end code for the compiler has been
>released GPL/Artisitic, its just a matter of porting it to GCC.
>I've yet to find a working example of the "toy" language referred to in
>the GCC docs, that works with any defined version of GCC. (So far I
>grab the version of Toy that says its for 3.0 and it turns out not to
>work! Frustrating!).
>Anyone with front end experience that might be able to give me a few
>pointers (pun intended)?
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