[Dev] GCC Front end anyone?
Tanner Lovelace
29 May 2002 14:37:52 -0400
On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 14:31, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> Well I'll give him 90% of what I'm making off of it....oh wait... I'm
> not making anything ;-)
> I'm doing this to brush up on my C and have an alternative to Java
> that's OO and doesn't suck.
> (C++ in my view, Sucks)
If you're looking for object oriented, don't look at C. Sure, you
can do OO in C, but it's an incredible kludge.
Why do you say C++ sucks? We just had this same discussion at
lunch here and came to the conclusion that pretty much every language
out there has its strengths and weaknesses and that instead of
focusing on a particular language you should look at what you
need to get done and use the best tool for the job. Sometimes
that's C++, sometimes it's C, or even Java, Perl, Python, Ruby,
etc... C++ no more sucks than Java does (and I personally think
it sucks a *lot* less). It's just what you know and are used to.
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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