[Hosting] my understanding of where we are going

Ed Hill hosting.a.t.trilug.org
Sun, 02 Dec 2001 21:50:38 -0700

> * We have another Alpha box coming, courtesy Ed Hill.  Think "Alpha Build
> Box".

Ok guys, please don't count the Alpha box before it arrives.  I've had
no less than seven emails from the guy who wants to offer us one or two
of the Alpha boxen but now hes kinda dragging his feet.  I don't want
to say anything bad about him (hey, it *is* a donation) but who knows
where the boxes are at the moment...  I have no idea...

> * We either have or will scrape together the parts to build an X86 box.  If
> memory serves this is going to be a build box, AND it will serve up NFS to
> the other hosts.  We have at least one 18GB drive and some 9GB drives (the 9
> giggers are in fatalpha now but will move) that are all SCSI.  I think I
> have a host adapter to donate for this cause.  There was also talk about
> buying a BIG but CHEAP IDE drive for archiving stuff.  Use the SCSI drives
> for live builds and then shuffle them off to the big IDE drive for archival
> and retreival by remote clients.

I have a 10Gig 5400rpm IBM IDE that I'll mail to y'all this week if
that'll help.  Just let me know (and perhaps unlike the Alphas,
this one *will* arrive...)

> * Since this is a volunteer effort, we're going to use the software that we
> already know and feel comfortable volunteering time to maintain rather than
> acting like an IT shop and trying to find the "best" software for the job.
> Some folks may question, for example, why we are using Gnats rather than
> Bugzilla.  It's simply a function of using what we know in order to make the
> best use of our volunteers.  This has NOTHING to do with saying that one
> package is better than another or anything like that.

+1  ;-)


Edward H. Hill III, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher    |  Emails:   <ed.a.t.eh3.com>, <ehill.a.t.mines.edu>
Division of ESE             |  URL:      http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines    |  Phone:    303-273-3483
Golden, CO  80401           |  Fax:      303-273-3311