[Hosting] my understanding of where we are going

Jon Carnes hosting.a.t.trilug.org
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 00:22:05 -0500

Don't sweat it Ed.  I just hope that Jaimie hasn't given away that damn 
cube yet (the one that I promised Kevin!).  Although we did give it away 
once before, and it came back a month later...

Hay, how is life in the wilds of Colo-rodo?  Too much work... not enough 
play?!  Hope all is well.


On Sunday 02 December 2001 23:50, Ed Hill wrote:
> > * We have another Alpha box coming, courtesy Ed Hill.  Think "Alpha
> > Build Box".
> Ok guys, please don't count the Alpha box before it arrives.  I've had
> no less than seven emails from the guy who wants to offer us one or two
> of the Alpha boxen but now hes kinda dragging his feet.  I don't want
> to say anything bad about him (hey, it *is* a donation) but who knows
> where the boxes are at the moment...  I have no idea...