[Hosting] free alpha box
Christian J Hedemark
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 10:30:21 -0500
Ed, thanks for setting this up. You rock!
Kevin wrote:
> Or a pretty good kerberos serveonm a private network to provide
> universal login to all the other boxes we want to have *grin*
Very good idea indeed. There is an article in the latest Sys Admin magazine
to take some of the sting out of implementing Kerberos, BTW.
> Given what I know of alphas, these are great boxes, and I *KNOW* we
> cna find a good home for them.
If we can drum up some disk, I think the second server (if it makes its way
here) could definitely be some sort of build box and/or CVS type box to keep
that traffic off of fatalpha.
> Oh, and FWIW, I have a Cobalt RaQ, I'm just waiting on (a) permission to
> use it and (b) instructions on installing Linux on a headless,
> Floppyless, CD-less machine....
RAQ 1, 2 or 3? Is it x86 or MIPS? In any case, the usual method is take the
drive out and hook it up (as a secondary drive) to a compatible host that is
already running. There's really not a lot of doc out there on doing this.
Reverend Christian J Hedemark II
Hillsborough, NC
"Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberties for a little order,
will lose both and deserve neither." - Benjamin Franklin