[Hosting] NFS Help

Tanner Lovelace hosting@trilug.org
07 Aug 2002 16:22:58 -0400

On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 16:09, Jon Carnes wrote:
> Sound good.  Let me know if you need help with NFS.

Actually, now that you mention it.. :-)

Okay, so all the machines now have two interfaces, a public interface
with public ip addresses, and a private interface with addresses
in the network.  I've set fatalpha up to export
/home like this (in /etc/exports):

/home ,root_squash)

I've verified that I can ping and ssh between computers
using the 192.168.77.n addresses.  I've also run
showmount -e from the ftp server to see what it could
see that fatalpha was exporting.

[root@dargo root]# showmount -e
Export list for

However, when I try to mount the disk, it hangs. :-(

[root@dargo root]# mount -t nfs /mnt/home

On fatalpha, I see the following in the log:

Aug  7 16:00:49 fatalpha rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from for /home (/home)

On dargo, though, I get the following:

Aug  7 11:51:20 dargo kernel: nfs: server not responding,
still trying

It appears I may be firewalling nfs (or possibly portmap?).

Other things.  In /etc/hosts.deny on both machines, I have

portmap: ALL

(I don't know what the ip address is, it was there beforehand.
and it's only on fatalpha, not dargo.)

In /etc/hosts.allow, I have 


In the ipchains setup on dargo I have:

-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT

to tell it that eth1 is a "trusted" interface.  On fatalpha,
we have

-A input -s -d -i
eth1 -j ACCEPT

in the ipchains file.

So, any thoughts?  I'm pretty sure it's getting firewalled somewhere,
but I'm not sure where.  I'm about to try it between dargo and
moya because their ipchains configurations are much simpler
than fatalpha's (which is enormous).

Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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