[Linux-ham] Has the list died?

Neil Little linux-ham@trilug.org
Fri Aug 1 16:53:34 EDT 2003

Message: 4 Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 02:21:16 -0400 From: Errol Casey
<errol@nouce.net> To: linux-ham@trilug.org Subject: Re: [Linux-ham] Has
the list died? Reply-To: linux-ham@trilug.org On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at
>12:57:01AM -0400, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
>>> Jeremy Portzer wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >In ham news, I see from http://www.qrz.com/ that there has been a
>>>> >petition formally filed to remove the morse code test requirement 
>>>> >certain (all?) amateur license classes.  I wonder when this will 
>>>> >effect if it goes through?
>Well, what does everyone thingn of this?
>It's always a hot topic. I have  my extra license, and have not
>used CW on the air ever. I was so happy to get 20WPM on the test,
>but I've never had a like for it.
>Do others on the list actually use CW? I would much rather talk to
>someone.  It is amazing to watch someone carry on a conversation with
>CW. I've visited folks that ran traffic nets in cw, and that is >amazing.
>It does go faster than voice traffic nets.

Having come up ham radio through the novice ranks my first year or so
was all CW. Even after I upgraded into the General and Advanced class
license I still spent a lot of time on CW.

The best times would be a night that I was having trouble getting to
sleep. I go into the shack and get on 40 mtrs. Powering up the rig with
the tubes glowing gave me enough light to copy code with a stick (oops I
think Im dating myself). A couple of QSO's would allow me to relax
enough to sleep.

I havent done that much of late since buying the house. I havent put up
any antennas so there has not been much hamming on the HF bands. Most of
my activity has been on VHF/UHF phone. My top speed with CW is still
around 27wpm and I can still copy in my head at least 15wpm Every once
and a while I test myself and fire up Morse academy on the 'puter to
make sure I havent lost it all. One day again Ill get more active on HF
and it will be happy times again.

The WARC03 conference has removed the International Morse code
requirement. I believe that Great Britian and Germany are the only ones
who have removed it from the licenseing requirement so far. From the
ARRL newsletter It is said that It might be another year before the code
requirement is removed from the US licenses.


   WA4AZL        JARS Forever! TRILUG too!
   Neil Little

   Fuquay-Varina, NC

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