[Trilug-announce] MAINTENANCE REBOOT: trilug service outage tonight (Sun Nov 1 22:00:00 EST 2009)

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Sun Nov 1 12:41:37 EST 2009

There are several updates pending on pilot, the server that hosts
trilug.org. I will be rebooting tonight at 10pm to pick up these
updates. Affected services include:

* Mail & mailing lists
* login (screen sessions--please clear them out)
* web (trilug.org, ncsysadmin.org vhosts)

Should be back up and available within 15 minutes.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
"The fun thing is to try to persuade others to share your opinions
about what rules and what sucks. Nothing is more fun than evangelism."
  --Larry Wall

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