[TriLUG] Web Usage Tracking...

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu Sep 27 23:17:21 EDT 2001

> Excuse me?  What type of IM are you talking about?  AIM uses
> a server achitecture where you only connect to the server.
> There are two protocols you can use with it: TOC and OSCAR.
> TOC uses the port 9898 and OSCAR uses 5190.  It doesn't use port
> 80 at all (caveat: I have not tested this using a "Direct
> Connection", but direct connections are so rarely used I don't
> consider it an issue).
> So, please, tell me.  What IM application are you referring to?
Opps, didn't mean to tread on anyone's toes...  We use a raft of different
IM's.  AIM does use 5190.  There are more than a couple used in-house though
that are purely web-based and just use port 80...  The inter-office IM
traffic is high enough that I'm seriously contemplating bringing up our own
internal server (to save our T3 for other traffic).

There are some problems with the idea, such as folks would still use
external IM's unless our could in some way act as a relay...


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