[TriLUG] help resizing an ext2 filesystem

Donald Ball balld at webslingerZ.com
Mon Oct 1 20:35:12 EDT 2001

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney wrote:

> > 1. fdisk reports that:
> *snip*
> > but df -k reports:
> *snip*
> > why the disagreement in the size of the filesystems? i'm confused.
> Bytes vs KBytes and rounding. I notice similar things with Windows explorer.

actually, my research indicates that it's something else entirely:


hopefully the blocks that resize2fs expects are the numbers that fdisk
reports (actual), not that df reports (usable) - which would make sense.
i'll find out in a few minutes ;)

> > 3. in doing this, i will need to destroy my current hda2 extended
> > partition and create a new hda4 extended partition with a different start
> > cylinder. is this going to cause problems for the hda7 partition that will
> > have lived under hda2, so long as i remember the start and end cylinders
> > and don't reformat that partition?
> Honestly, I would worry that it's going to be broken. When you destroy
> the hda2 extended partition, hda7 goes away, and I don't think the
> voodoo you plan on trying will keep it there. I might be wrong, but if
> it isn't, it might ne worth scp'ing a tar of the directory/partition
> up to a fileserver with enough space for it. Because I know from
> personal experience that if it's gone, it's *GONE* if you don't ahve a
> abckup, y'know?

well, according to this:


as long as i don't create a new logical partition in the middle of the
partition that i'm trying to preserve, it shouldn't matter, just so long
as i remember the start and end cylinders. i'm still hoping to hear from
someone out there with real world experience or knowledge in these

- donald

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