[TriLUG] help resizing an ext2 filesystem

John Franklin franklin at elfie.org
Wed Oct 3 10:18:25 EDT 2001

On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 08:35:12PM -0400, Donald Ball wrote:
> as long as i don't create a new logical partition in the middle of the
> partition that i'm trying to preserve, it shouldn't matter, just so long
> as i remember the start and end cylinders. i'm still hoping to hear from
> someone out there with real world experience or knowledge in these
> matters.

I've modified an entry from the fdisk partition table so as to make
another primary, saved it, rebooted.  Windows 2k (I use it for Age of
Empires) was on an extended partition and couldn't find itself anymore.
The additional primary partition bumped the Windows partition number up
one, thus cleverly hiding Windows from itself. <sigh>

Anyway, I then immediately put the old numbers back via fdisk.  All the
data on all partitions was safe, and I could play AoE again.

So, the answer I have for you is, "Yes, putting in the right numbers
will work, so long as the OSes involved aren't confused about their
partitions being renumbered."

John Franklin
franklin at elfie.org
ICBM: N37 12'54", W80 27'14" Z+2100'

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