[TriLUG] Fw: WinXP vs RH 7.2

Marc Johnson marc_johnson27591 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 1 14:15:08 EST 2001

>From: Donald Ball <balld at webslingerz.com>

>maybe you should integrate a memory tester into the installer. or make it
>an option that the user can choose if they had trouble the first go


And maybe do some diagnostics on the CD drive and on the binaries -- simple 
checksum or CRC checks to verify that the images you're installing are 
intact, simple tests to verify that you can read the CD in its entirety.

The more the vendors can do to make the installation as bullet-proof as 
possible, the better. The more they can do to proactively recognize typical 
problems in the field and to alert the user to those problems, the better.

If the vendors are serious about gaining market share against Microsoft, 
they MUST do better here. The fellow who wrote those articles should NEVER 
have had such a rotten experience. This was plain vanilla hardware, should 
have been a piece of cake. Instead, Red Hat has just sent more ammunition to 

>you should also make the installer be able to save state to some media
>(floppy? root partition?) as it goes so that if it _does_ die, when the
>user starts the install again, they can pick up where they left off
>(except for maybe that last step). nothing's worse than retyping pages and
>pages of data, especially if you were unsure of the answers to begin with.


About the third or fourth time I have to re-enter that data from scratch, 
I'm ready to take the entire pack of CDs and go out skeet shooting ...

And when the installer runs again, it should offer a menu of which steps you 
want to retain from last time -- none, all, or select the ones you're sure 
are OK.

>- donald
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