[TriLUG] [Fwd: Call to arms - INFORMATION ANARCHY]
Jeff Bollinger
jeff01 at email.unc.edu
Fri Nov 2 16:51:18 EST 2001
An interesting read from NTBugtraq (minus the lame ad they put on every
post from Trend Micro)...
Jeff Bollinger
University of North Carolina
IT Security Analyst
105 Abernethy Hall
mailto: jeff_bollinger at unc.edu
> hellNbak at nmrc.org
> http://www.nmrc.org/~hellnbak
A Step Towards Information Anarchy: A Call To Arms
by hellNbak <hellNbak at nmrc.org>
Recently, Scott Culp of Microsoft's Security Response Team released the
following paper:
Since the suspiciously timed release of this paper, rumors are that
Microsoft has been contacting the management of various research groups
discuss with them their disclosure policies and how to fall into the new
Microsoft line of thinking. Unfortunately, I have not been privy to any
these discussions with Microsoft, but one can only guess that their
intentions are not pure. I am not going to write another rant on why I
think Microsoft is out to lunch and how I know for a fact that they
like to force legitimate security research into the grave and return to
days of not spending money on security, but I am going to write a rant
what I think the research community needs to do to help Microsoft and
vendors see the light. Make no mistake about it - Full Disclosure is in
clear and present danger of being stomped out by vendors like Microsoft.
Back in the day, groups like ADM, Rhino9, L0pht, and w00w00 would
responsibly release advisories with complete details and
code. Security was improving, vendors continued to get the message that
their software had better be secure, and that they would be forced to
with serious security issues. Or did they? Unfortunately, it seems the
only message that the software vendors learned was that security issues
expensive, and while money should be spent convincing the public that
vendors care about security issues, the full disclosure community needs
be crushed so that things can go back to business as usual. To
and vendors like them, security is not a technical or a developmental
it is merely a marketing issue that can be - and is - leveraged for
Unfortunately, today, Rhino9 is no longer and ADM has been quite quiet -
keeping things to themselves no doubt. L0pht is now a consulting
organization and w00w00 has also been very, very quiet. To add to the
problems, we have groups and people like Georgi Guninski, who while
releasing some very interesting research and proof-of-concept code,
to do it in a responsible manner, giving the vendors all the ammunition
need to attack the full disclosure community.
So how do we fix what seems to be broken beyond repair? How do we take
power away from the software vendors and return it to the research
community? My answer is: INFORMATION ANARCHY. Microsoft likened
researchers - not criminal hackers or script kiddies - to terrorists
software companies at ransom and being irresponsible by releasing
proof-of-concept code. Microsoft claims that we are in a state of
"Information Anarchy" and that the research community must be stopped.
Do we
really want to return to the olden days when vendors knew they could
security issues? I say no; it has to stop and the only way to stop it
is to
demonstrate to Microsoft and the world what _true_ Information Anarchy
I propose that everyone who is involved in security research and
full disclosure steps up research efforts and releases those issues that
they have been sitting on. Let's flood the security department of every
vendor with new issues. Let's show the world what they would miss and
information could just as easily have stayed in the underground rather
be posted to Bugtraq or Vulnwatch.
Before you go out and start releasing all your zero-days, I do caution
with the recommendation that we all put in the effort to coordinate with
vendors before releasing the advisories. I do not mean you should sit
something for 90 days until the vendor decides to fix it, but I do think
that the vendor should be notified and given a set amount of time (30
to fix and 5 to respond, perhaps) to respond properly. While we need to
direct with our actions, we do need to exercise caution and
Show your support for this movement; help us take the power back from
vendors. I am offering my free time to help anyone with a security
issue to
report it to the vendor and craft an advisory. I am also asking
in the research community who supports full disclosure to release
in support of what I am calling Information Anarchy 2K01.
We have had the lame, media-created defacement wars between script
kiddies -
now it is time to wage a true war that will demonstrate our skills, and
importantly, demonstrate to the vendors, the corporations, and the
what they are forcing into the underground.
I am not asking anyone to do anything illegal, I do not want to see any
supportive defacements or hacks but I do want to see some supportive
advisories and research efforts. Microsoft just spent the last few
fighting for their "freedom to innovate" and now they are trying to take
For information, help, or comments please email hellnbak at nmrc.org.
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