[TriLUG] fixed width font for editing

Tom Bryan tbryan at python.net
Sat Nov 17 04:57:08 EST 2001

On Friday 16 November 2001 01:19 am, you wrote:

> mandrake-8.1. font handling in X windows has always been a murky, scary
> thing that i try to avoid. can anyone help me find a better font and
> configure rxvt to use it? i'd like to know how to get a list of fixed
> width fonts installed on my system, how to get the font strings for them,
> and if anyone has any specific font recommendations. thanks.

xlsfonts *fixed*


xlsfonts \*x*  
(look for the 8x16 style of screen font)

or (from O'Reilly's _Running_Linux_)

xlsfonts -fn -*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-m-*-*-* 

That lists all of the "mono-spaced" fonts.  

Starting rxvt with a -fn option and one of these fonts should give you what 
you want.  You can also set up your Xresources so all rxvts use that font, 
but on my machines I always just set up a label for things like this. :)


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