[TriLUG] Re: LUG: problems whith X

Donald Ball balld at webslingerZ.com
Tue Nov 27 16:12:39 EST 2001

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> > Are you using the sh*tty, unstable, nVidia-provided binary-only X
> > driver?  Or are you using the stable, open-source, but not-3D-
> > accelerated driver provided as part of the XFree86 project?
> >
> > You don't specify and it makes a *big* difference.
> >
> > If you're using the nVidia-provided binary-only driver then Jeremy
> > is spot-on.  Its crap and has been so for many versions over many
> > months (or has it been years?).
> I'm not sure why you believe that, but I've never had any trouble
> with it....  And for those of us who do 3D graphics, the open
> source drivers just don't cut it.... (as much as we might wish
> otherwise).

i have. i have an nvidia card, i use the 1541 drivers, and i typically
experience a kernel crash within 20 minutes of starting any program that
heavily relies on 3d acceleration (unreal tournament, tribes2, tuxracer).
i'm hopeful that this will cease to be an issue when nvidia issues a
release specifically for mandrake-8.2. but if anyone has any brilliant
suggestions in the meantime, i'm all ears. booting into windows to play
games sucks.

- donald

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