[TriLUG] Learning PhP + MySQL

Ben Pitzer uncleben at mindspring.com
Sat Dec 1 15:45:33 EST 2001

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I don't know what book you might look into, but a better resource than any
I've found the O'Reilly OnLAMP website (http://www.onlamp.com/).  The
whole site is dedicated to LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and Perl, PHP, or
Python)  Look over there, and they might have a good list of resources for
you to look into.

Ben Pitzer

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001, Sinner from the Prairy wrote:

> Hi,
> What book is out there for PhP+MySQL?
> I have no idea of PhP, although I am a competent programmer in other
> programming languages /scripting languages. But, again HTML generation from a
> programming language is new for me nevertheless.
> I am looking for a manual / tutorial that will let me (re)create my website,
> so with small effort I can be able to update menus, add content and all that.
> Now, is raw HTML (Quanta+ rocks!) but adding a new section is a major PITA.
> Specialy in a multilanguage site. You all know my website, don't you?
> I assisted to the TriLug talk about "PhP + MySQL = WebSite" sometime ago, but
> I did not learnt PhP that day: I needed at least 2 days  *grin*
> So, what's out there? If avaialbe at B&N or it is published on the Internet,
> the better.
> Salut,
> Sinner
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