[TriLUG] Installfest @ UNC

Andrew Perrin andrew_perrin at unc.edu
Tue Jan 8 13:33:59 EST 2002

I'd be happy to sign on as a sponsor if you'd like.


Andrew J Perrin - andrew_perrin at unc.edu - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
 Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
      269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

On 8 Jan 2002, Ed Hill wrote:

> Hi Anthony,
> Its easy to arrange a talk or Installfest at UNC-CH.  All you need is a
> sponsor.  The sponsor can be any *registered* student club, a
> department, or some other official UNC entity.  Once you have the
> sponsor, you can request a room, a key to the room, and have the
> building entrance unlocked by the UNC security folks at the appropriate
> time.
> In the past, Joe Schuch <joe_schuch at unc.edu>: 
>   http://www.unc.edu/~schuch/
> of ATN has been *very* helpful in both obtaining good rooms (lots of
> bench space and some ethernet ports) and for being our sponsor.  He was
> helpful in the past because, as a hobby, he runs the local ColdFusion
> user group and he was trying to reach out to the Linux portion of the
> web development community.
> So if you are serious about getting space, go see Joe and mention my
> name.  We (TriLUG) have been good citizens at UNC-CH in the past (we
> cleaned up after ourselves and we didn't create any trouble on their
> LAN) so I bet they'll be willing to sponsor us again.
> Also, heres a list of recommendations:
>   - for ethernet, get permission to use the campus net and then
>     do NAT to connect all the installfest boxen to minimize impact
>   - have attendees sign a waiver (i'll send a copy if you want)
>   - make sure to have volunteers to clean up and work the doors 
>     (buildings will probably be locked evenings and weekends when 
>     you want to use them)  
> If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.
> good luck!
> Ed
> -- 
> Edward H. Hill III, PhD
> Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:       ed at eh3.com, ehill at mines.edu
> Division of ESE            |  URL:         http://www.eh3.com
> Colorado School of Mines   |  Phone:       303-273-3483
> Golden, CO  80401          |  Fax:         303-273-3311
> GnuPG Key ID:  1E76F123    |  Public key:  http://www.eh3.com/eh3.gpg

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