[TriLUG] just to clarify a few points about meetings ...

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at nc.rr.com
Fri Jan 11 17:17:39 EST 2002

> i never said i wanted to have meetings that came *from* corporate
> execs.  i was expressing my disappointment that trilug, in all the
> time i've been a member, has shown little interest in targeting
> even the occasional get-together *for* local execs.  that is,
> local corporate executives.  you know ... the kind of people who
> might be talked into actually adopting linux.  and giving people
> like you an interesting and well-paying job doing what you enjoy.

> **** it.  this dialogue is clearly a waste of time.  you'll excuse
> me, but i'm going to go back to what i do best, and that is, making
> a living, using linux, doing what i do best, and what i enjoy.
> like i said before, different strokes for different folks.

> rday

please attempt to keep a modicum of civility.  Despite all your efforts
your tone and methods will defeat the effort no matter what my opinion
on the matter is.  You'll excuse the fact that we have different
objectives and are bound to disagree.  As additional motivation this
list is searchable from the net and such tones are exactly the kind of
thing that will disenfranchise such people long before my casual
suggestions that they adopt vi as a corporate standard do.

I understand your frustration my point is still this.  I'm not
interested in doing that through the mainstream meetings.  I want to
have a LUG not a corporate seminar.  Thats my opinion.  

I have a completely different approach to furthering Linux.  I'm also
not interested in providing corporate welfare.  If they would like to
save big money and implement a linux system then I'm not about to do it
for free.

As for having corporate gatherings for CEO types go for it.  No offense
but you are serving against your own topic (ie no one is insterested). 
Your approach, use of language and sheer anger that I didn't immediately
cave to your will has turned me off to anything on this order that you
might suggest..  

As for turning the Trilug into some kind of get together to help
companies adopt linux for free, maybe thats your bag its not mine. 
They'll have to pay me.

I'll happily help schools, people and organizations provided the
organizers actually use the list to keep me advised.  I will contribute
to organizing to these efforts in the future but due to various things
that are going on in my open-source life (making it possible to choose
linux when currently you MUST choose windows -- "we do our job, they
think they're the ********* mob when we da mob." by being able to
serialize XML as XLS, report w/stylesheets and hopefully soon publish
word docs and vice versa) and responsibilities to the JUG I'm not able
to contribute as an organizing things RIGHT now.  (I'll be more
available soon).  That being said I can't imagine I'd go network a
business and install them on linux unless they made a sizable donation
to my families continued survival or the TriLUG's continued survival.
Evangelize and tout to some degree but not without self or community


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