[TriLUG] just to clarify a few points about meetings ...
Sinner from the Prairy
sinner at escomposlinux.org
Sat Jan 12 16:18:13 EST 2002
A Divendres 11 Gener 2002 04:46 pm, vàreu escriure:
> On 11 Jan 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > I think you hit the audience issue on the nail. While I may be on
> > the job hunt, I've absolutely no interest in attending the types of
> > TriLug meetings you would like to have. Let me state this crystal
> > clear. Have those nice glossy brochure type meetings that you
> > could have your corporate execs to and I sure as heck won't be
> > interested in coming. I can go to a corporate marketing seminar
> > anywhere these days.
> i never said i wanted to have meetings that came *from* corporate
> execs. i was expressing my disappointment that trilug, in all the
> time i've been a member, has shown little interest in targeting
> even the occasional get-together *for* local execs. that is,
> local corporate executives. you know ... the kind of people who
> might be talked into actually adopting linux. and giving people
> like you an interesting and well-paying job doing what you enjoy.
Hi there,
(I have deleted the unnecessary porition of the message. )
I like TriLug way of running a meeting. As Kevin said, he is a
full-time father, full-time real-worker, full-time husband, full-time
member of TriLug's SC... that's about +100 hours/day !!!
Give him a break!
Nobody is perfect. We, triluggers, are mostly geeks. And, for my part,
like the non-corporate way of running the meetings.
This one was different because it was the State of the LUG, right after
Xmas, right after a big snow storm, right after I came back from Europe
(so I was jet-lagged).
Regular meetings, when there's a talk, are not as open-debate as this
last meeting. But, in the state of the LUG, I expected a lot of luggers
talking. And it happened.
What's wrong with that?
I see your point. But not all pingüinistas (iso-8859-1) like to attend
to corporate-linuxfests. Not all the time. And not on the Satte of the
LUG meeting.
Belive me. When I gave the talk, it was different. More Mark and me
talking, a quieter (can you say that?) audience and also interactive
talk with triluggers with a deal of experience in the running theme. It
was a good experience. Different than any corporate presentation or
university speach that I have given. But the intended audience, the
place and the atmosphere were just right.
And at the network cable-installing that we TriLUG bees attended, the
"ambience" was more like "Joe Sixpack with a truck, lumber-jack shirt,
manly-man tools and warm comradery".
What John Matthews says about getting some corporate-type meeting
sounds right to me. And this will please Triluggers like you, more of
the corporate type.
When I say "corporate" I mean the kind of planned meeting, more
traditional audience, more shaved faces, cleaner clothes... with no
offense, hidden or whatsoever intended. Just a descriptive word. If it
is not right, blame my poor English (my 3rd language).
I think that TriLUG is a good place. And there is room for everybody.
Your ideas and John Mathews proposals sound very right to me. We can do
it all. There's 12 meetings a year. There's room for everybody.
Salut and Peace for all,
http://www.ibiblio.org/sinner/ Linux User # 89976
Running on Mandrake 8.1 - Kernel 2.4.8-34mdk Linux Machine # 38068
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