[TriLUG] trilug meetings
Jeremy Katz
katzj at linuxpower.org
Sat Jan 12 13:58:18 EST 2002
(drat it all, and I said I was going to stay out of this flamefest... oh
well, this is completely non-inflammatory and I'm continuing not to
touch the thread otherwise :)
On Saturday, January 12 2002, Tom Bryan said:
> On Saturday 12 January 2002 11:25 pm, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> > Tom Bryan wrote:
> > > But, it's not really fun for a loner who comes to a meeting
> > > for the first time. (S)he knows a lot of people from the
> > > list, but can't match faces to names.
> >
> > So how about a section on the Web site where people can
> > post a pic and a brief comment?
> I thought of that. That would at least helps the "names and faces" problem.
> It still doesn't help the "introductions" issue, but it would help a new
> member to introduce himself to people with whom he had actually been
> corresponding. It becomes
> "Hi, XXXXX. I'm YYYYYY. Thanks for that ZZZZZZ."
> instead of
> "Hello. I'm YYYYY. It's my first meeting, and I'm mingling."
What we do at the LUG at NCSU (where this is also something of a problem
and where it gets brought up every once in a while) as far as making
people known is that we have the dreaded fun of introductions. Yes, we
go around the room and I make everyone say their name, what they do (are
they a student, what are they majoring in, where do you work if not,
etc), and what brought you to come to the meeting. Regulars hate it,
but the new people appreciate it I think. It at least helps with the
not knowing who anyone is bit.
Jeremy Katz
katzj at linuxpower.org | jlkatz at eos.ncsu.edu
http://linuxpower.org | Developer, NCSU Realm Kit for Red Hat Linux
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