[TriLUG] Security woes

Rob Carlson robc at nc.rr.com
Wed Jan 16 22:17:38 EST 2002

This may be obvious, but if you are trying to connect to your own box, did you install all the server/deamons?
Also, if you have installed ssh and you are connecting to another machine with sshd running on it, are you sure the
machine is running openSSH (for SSH2) or SSH2 itself?  If the remote machine is running SSH 1 you will need to ssh -1 machinename...

On Tuesday 15 January 2002 11:19 am, you wrote:

>> I need to start being able to ssh telnet, ssh ftp, and vnc my box here at
>> work. However, when I try to telnet, ssh telnet, ftp, or ssh ftp, I get
>> "connection refused". I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting.
>> Also, I can VNC out, but not in. I'm assuming it's related.  I do not have
>> a firewall setup at this time.

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