[TriLUG] Email

Mike McLean mamclean at eos.ncsu.edu
Wed Feb 13 17:47:23 EST 2002

Mark Fowle wrote:
> What would I use if the students all want to  use things like outlook,
> netscape, etc.... ?

I believe that both of these understand POP3 and IMAP.  If you're using
a standard distro, then either of these should be easy to set up (as Jon
pointed out).  You could even run both.

Some mailreaders do not have imap support, but most of the popular ones
do.  Nearly every mail reader has pop3 support.

If you are using RedHat 7.2, you could say something like:

% chkconfig imap on
% chkconfig ipop3 on
% chkconfig imaps on
% chkconfig pop3s on
% service xinetd restart

(assuming that the appropriate packages are installed)
This would enable both pop3 and imap, as well as their secure (SSL
encrypted) counterparts. If the command line is not to your taste, you
can enable these services with the gui service configuration tool
(serviceconf) located in the system menu.

If you have configured a firewall, you may need to open up some ports
pop3            110/tcp         pop-3           # POP version 3
imap            143/tcp         imap2           # Interim Mail Access
Proto v2
imaps           993/tcp                         # IMAP over SSL
pop3s           995/tcp                         # POP-3 over SSL

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