[TriLUG] Email

Mark Fowle mark at thefowles.com
Wed Feb 13 18:23:18 EST 2002

I was thinking of using Cyrus but not sure if I have to disable sendmail 
  or not....


Mike McLean wrote:

> Mark Fowle wrote:
>>What would I use if the students all want to  use things like outlook,
>>netscape, etc.... ?
> I believe that both of these understand POP3 and IMAP.  If you're using
> a standard distro, then either of these should be easy to set up (as Jon
> pointed out).  You could even run both.
> Some mailreaders do not have imap support, but most of the popular ones
> do.  Nearly every mail reader has pop3 support.
> If you are using RedHat 7.2, you could say something like:
> % chkconfig imap on
> % chkconfig ipop3 on
> % chkconfig imaps on
> % chkconfig pop3s on
> % service xinetd restart
> (assuming that the appropriate packages are installed)
> This would enable both pop3 and imap, as well as their secure (SSL
> encrypted) counterparts. If the command line is not to your taste, you
> can enable these services with the gui service configuration tool
> (serviceconf) located in the system menu.
> If you have configured a firewall, you may need to open up some ports
> pop3            110/tcp         pop-3           # POP version 3
> imap            143/tcp         imap2           # Interim Mail Access
> Proto v2
> imaps           993/tcp                         # IMAP over SSL
> pop3s           995/tcp                         # POP-3 over SSL
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