[TriLUG] TriLUG Frequently Asked Questions
Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney
alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Fri Feb 22 21:21:50 EST 2002
On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 17:15, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> I've taken this up privately with him. My original point was that the
> FAQ should reflect how things are really run. I think he was contending
> that it was accurate. In short, I respectfully disagree with that
> assessment. Hopefully we can make some sense of this and offer a
> suggested adjustment if necessary.
I think I can clarify this particular point.
> During the last eruption on this list, someone so kindly resurrected a
> posting from the archives that I made to the SC regarding this. The
> response I got back was in private and was, IMHO, less than
> representative of what the FAQ has to say on this subject. Again, I'm
> just suggesting that the FAQ be slightly adjusted to reflect reality.
OK, the reality is this : officially, this is an all ages list.
Officially, we should try to keep profanity off the list. In the past,
I've been willing to let things slip to PG-13 levels, with a median of
"if you can't say it on prime-time braodcast network TV, or on the
radio, it's pretty much off limits." As the primary list moderator, I
can make that call, right? Maybe someday a referendum will be held, and
that'll change.
The upshot of this is, we prefer profanity free posts. I mean, we can
all use more creative vocabulary than all that, right? But in the mean
time, I'm willing to let it slide, as long as it isn't hurtful, directed
at anyone in particular (i.e. flames), or contains one the the "you
can't say that on the radio" words (which includes the one that's
similar to the fsck command and the one that is defined as
but if those tolerances are exceeded, then I usually send a gentle
reminder to the offender, and ask that they not do it again. I've not
had to ask twice in my recollection (which, I admit, is spotty at
I do not want to go to the hassle of "banning" people because of
unacceptable behavior. Nor do I want to get in the business of
moderating people based on their behavior. Theoretically, we're all
capable of acting like adults (recent behavior on the parts of a small
number of list members not withstanding), and as long as we can keep it
that way, I see no need to enact hard & fast rules.
Does that make sense to everyone? Questions and comments on this policy
welcome. All other questions can, as usual, be sent to
"steering at trilug.org" or "chair at trilug.org"
-- Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney --
-- ICQ: 4855069 AIM: ksonney --
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"I will rule you all with an Iron Fist! You! Obey the fist!" - Zim
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