[TriLUG] ifconfig?

Fred Stutzman stutzman at email.unc.edu
Sat Feb 23 12:11:54 EST 2002

ipconfig /release - /etc/rc.d/init.d/network reload
ipconfig /renew - /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

If you are seeting eth0 down, you might simply want to execute 'ifup
eth0', this should bring the adapter back online.  The bigger issues seems
to be why is your adapter disappearing after standby.  Is the standby bios
level or is it you executing apm -s.  

Instead of messing with bios level standby on laptop, I usually disable
that and run apm -s.  Yeah, not as convenient as just closing the thing,
but at least with apm you know what you're getting.  Good luck!


On 23 Feb 2002, john broome wrote:

> What is the commandline linux equivilant of ipconfig /release & /renew?
> After the laptop comes back from standby my wireless connection is
> down.  I do ifconfig and I can see the loopback connection but eth0
> isn't there.
> I RTFMP and it looked like ifconfig eth0 -up would work, but it didn't.
> TIA!
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