[TriLUG] booting from second HD using grub and rh7.2

John F Davis johndavi at us.ibm.com
Wed Mar 20 08:07:33 EST 2002

Hello fellow trilugites,

My colleague wants to dual-boot his redhat 7.2 computer with win2k on a
second disk.  I told him no problem
since I do that with lilo on debian everyday.  However, I'm using lilo 22.2
and the lilo which comes on his
7.2 cdrom is 22.1 or something.  It appears that the older version doesn't
support the lilo directive:

Yes, I know I could get a new lilo for him, but I know that GRUB is the
standard bootloader with RH.  I figure
this would be a good reason to learn GRUB, that is if it supports booting
an os from a second
hard disk.

If it indeed supports booting from a drive other than disk0, please let me
know.  Any pointers to using GRUB
are also welcome.

Thanks in Advance,


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