[TriLUG] wlan setup

Geoff Purdy geoff.purdy at verizon.net
Thu Mar 28 09:28:52 EST 2002

> I have this exact same setu pat home, although I have a Orinoco Gold
> Card. Here's my setup, direct from /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts
> *,*,*,00:60:1D:*)
>    INFO="Home Access Point"
>    MODE="Managed"
>    RATE="Auto"
>    ESSID="house"
>    KEY=""
>    ;;

Thanks that should give me a good start.  I'll give that a try at home this 
evening.  Which section of the /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts file does it go in?  
As I recall, there are a bunch of sections some of which appear to be related 
to ad-hoc networks.  Or do I include only the above lines in wireless.opts?

Also, did you have to flash the firmware before using the Orinoco card under 
linux?  I read an O'Reilly article ( 
http://www.oreillynet.com/lpt/a//wireless/2000/11/03/wavelan.html ) which 
recommended (required?) flashing the firmware in the PC card before use.  
Given that the software to flash the firmware requires Windows, which I don't 
have, I'd like to postpone that part if it isn't necessary.

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