[TriLUG] Linux and RoadRunner ( was Linux and ATT)

John Matthews jvmatthe at math.duke.edu
Fri Apr 5 10:59:10 EST 2002

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 10:51, Al Koscielny wrote:
> RoadRunner went south briefly on Tuesday, so I called Time Warner tech 
> support to ask about network problems.  The second question the support 
> person asked was "Which operating system are you running?"  When I said 
> Linux, the support person replied, "We don't support Linux." 

That's the official line, yes.

When the guy came to install RR at my apartment, he looked at my two
computers sitting side by side and noticed the Tux case badge I had on
the Linux box. He said "Heh, cool. You're using Linux. I'll just test
the connection, since you'll probably know more about setting up the
networking than I do." They give you a NIC along with the install, and
when it came time to give me one, he said "Let me go get you a 3Com PCI
NIC from my truck. They've been telling us to dump these ISA ones as
much as we can, but the PCI ones work better in Linux and 3Com has Linux

Seems to me to be more evidence that we, Linux users, have friends all
over the place, and that eventually change will come from within. I'm
willing to be patient waiting for all the frills and luxuries since I'm
able to live in an almost completely free software world now and get
work done while still having plenty of things to keep my entertained.


Matt Matthews     \ ph: 919.660.2811        \ Use GNU/Linux  _o) w00t
Duke Univ., Postdoc\ jvmatthe at math.duke.edu  \____________   /\\
Dept. of Mathematics\ http://www.math.duke.edu/~jvmatthe/ \ _\_V

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