[TriLUG] Debian & Mandrake (was installfest server - ...)
Mark Johnson
mrj at debian.org
Wed May 1 15:08:13 EDT 2002
On , May 1, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 14:19, Mark Johnson wrote:
> > [...] I'm only pointing out that they're far more different than
> > they are similar.
> Mandrake uses the Debian menu system, the Debian alternatives system,
> and the Debian library naming conventions. In my mind this makes
> it a lot more like Debian than you suggest.
You got me, I had no idea Mandrake was setup this way. Cool.
I was wrong.
> I think Mandrake, however, is much easier to use than Debian,
> especially if you're new to linux.
I won't argue with that. Not one iota.
BTW, does Mandrake have something like Debian's apt/sources.list?
One thing I really like about Debian is that you only need to install
it once. The rest is auto-upgrades.
> Even with that, though it's still great for those who have been with
> linux for years and years (I've been running linux since 1994). I
> run Mandrake on all my home systems and my internet server.
> Mandrake goes to great lengths to integrate everything together into
> a comprehensive package. It also goes to great pains to give the
> presentation that "extra touch". I highly recommend it for both
> desktop and server use.
Cool. Guess I'll have to put it on my laptop at the InstallFest.
Thanks for the clarifications.
Mark Johnson <mark at duke.edu>
Debian SGML <mrj at debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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