[TriLUG] Hopefully not so easy...
John F Davis
johndavi at us.ibm.com
Fri May 3 08:54:48 EDT 2002
/action rant on
Yeah you can play games with dynamic ips and such, but a simpler approach
is to get yourself a static ip. What's it cost? An extra $5
a month or something.
It doesn't look as cool, but it works and its the right thing to do. Then
again maybe you like doing it the hard way.
(I got this 3133t dynim.ip setup so I don't have to pay for static ip's and
I host my own mail and real audio server. -=Hax0RDud3=-)
Case in point, do a nslookup on www.skink.net and a reverse using the ip.
It all works. (The webpage is stock since I haven't
restored the old ones from backup yet.) I host my own mail and I have been
doing so for years. Its brain dead simple.
Also, I'll pass on a work of advice I received when I was young and I knew
everything. I think it applies in this case.
"If its hard work, then you are doing it wrong."
/action rant off
Chris Knowles <knowlesc at telocity.com>@trilug.org on 05/03/2002 07:51:33 AM
Please respond to trilug at trilug.org
Sent by: trilug-admin at trilug.org
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: [TriLUG] Hopefully not so easy...
Got another one for you.
Ever since I discovered fetchmail, I've also been using sendmail to send
my e-mail. (In that telocity gets cranky when you haven't just checked
e-mail before you try using their SMTP server.)
Now, I've set the hostnames of the box I'm using using the GUI programs.
(That question was for a firewall)
PRoblem is, some domains are returning my e-mail saying that the sending
domain must exist. And the domain they think my e-mail is coming from is
So, what do I do to allow myself to send mail? I'm looking at the headers
(And I've sent this from the box in question) and I see a lot of
knowlesc at localhost and such, but I've set the domain name to
deneb.dyndns.org. Do I need to change some sendmail configuration?
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