[TriLUG] Red Hat 7.3 - for Nalin at redhat.com (mild flame)
Chris Hedemark
chris at yonderway.com
Tue May 7 13:31:26 EDT 2002
Hey I like John. We've gotten in some "heated discussions" and he
doesn't whine about it later.
Is it too late to nominate him to the SC? Whaddya say man how about
being our treasurer? At least if you're the treasurer I know I won't
be. And if these guys show up thursday night, and somehow I still end
up getting elected, I'll need someone else at the SC meetings to be an
insensitive politically incorrect curmudgeon so I don't get singled out.
BTW - Who are you calling "Yankee", yankee? Didn't anyone ever tell you
that Maryland is as yankee a state as New York? ;-)
On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 13:05, John F Davis wrote:
> Guys,
> Chris is ok. He gets a little funny sometimes, but its no big deal. After
> all, he is a yankee. People shouldn't sweat him so much.
> Speaking of abuse. If someone can dish it out as well as they take it,
> its no big deal. If someone can only dish it out but not take it, then
> they suck.
> I think Chris can take it. He took the splinters from soap box bit pretty
> good. Hell, he will even take your note in stride.
> JD
> Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney <alchemist at darkcanvas.com>@trilug.org on
> 05/07/2002 12:56:02 PM
> Please respond to trilug at trilug.org
> Sent by: trilug-admin at trilug.org
> To: trilug at trilug.org
> cc:
> Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Red Hat 7.3 - for Nalin at redhat.com (mild flame)
> On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 12:05, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> > Besides if I thought the price of Thinkpads was too high, I'm sure my
> > old buddy John Davis over at IBM would take care of that lickity split.
> Ahahahahaha! Unless John has control over the pricing structures, about
> all he can do is get you his (not very significat) employee discount.
> As for the rest - Chris, that was uncalled for. Totally uncalled for. I
> have to back James and Nalin on this - unless the marketing/office
> people are on the list, the only way to get this sort of feedback to
> them is via sales at redhat.com - since AFAIK, engineering has about as
> much a chance of getting the price changed as marketing does of
> compiling OpenAFS by themselves.
> Now I'd like *EVERYONE* to step away from the list, take a deep breath,
> and go play some nethack, until you've calmed down. OK?
> It runs great on Mandrake, Red Hat Linux 7.3, *BSD, and OSX.
> --
> --------------------------------------------
> -- Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney --
> -- ICQ: 4855069 AIM: ksonney --
> --------------------------------------------
> 320C 0336 3BC4 13EC 4AEC 6AF2 525F CED7 7BB6 12C9
> "I will rule you all with an Iron Fist! You! Obey the fist!" - Zim
| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD
| Hillsborough, NC
| http://yonderway.com
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