[TriLUG] Security through obsolecense

Sinner from the Prairy sinner at escomposlinux.org
Fri Jun 7 14:54:54 EDT 2002

Avui, Divendres 07 Juny 2002 14:30, no tenieu res mes que fer i me vareu 
enviar aquest e-mail
> Now, if what they are really trying
> to say is security through peer-reviewed code that has been tried and
> tested and survived the fire and tests of time then that's a good idea.
> (after all, if it isn't broke don't fix it.)

That's my impresion: some well-tested code is good, although it might be not 
so "hot" nor "cool".

Like the Tcl/Tk programming combo: it's been around forever as a 
cross-platform system.. It works, there are no major changes to it because it 
works just fine... but is has been "phased out" favouring fledgleing (?)  
languages such as python, perl, php...

RedHat QA Test Engineer  --  Running RedHat 7.3 on i386smp

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