(rr mailserver redux) Re: [TriLUG] Newbie meeting - Saturday
Thunder Bear
thunderbear at yonderway.com
Wed Jun 12 16:18:25 EDT 2002
On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 16:13, Jonathan Rippy wrote:
> I used to have a roomate who would call and complain to the phone company,
> the power company, the cable company, etc whenever service was down. He
> demanded his next bill reflect the pro-rated cost for lost service. He's
> not my roommate anymore but I bet he'd do the same thing if his network
> connectivity was down. I wonder if they, too, would pro-rate?
> ... Just thinking (and typing) out loud ...
In my case, yes, because of the history of high packetloss between my
house and my router.
We didn't even talk about DNS or smtp though.
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