[TriLUG] [Fwd: java <=> C communication]
H Brett Bolen
brettb at nc.rr.com
Sat Jun 15 09:40:03 EDT 2002
Here is a message I sent to the java folk. I'm wondering
of somebody here has any information:
>> I have an app that sends a whole-lotta-stuff
>> from a c++ app to a java app. Currently we are
>> using a 'middleware' layer from Mil contractor.
>> We want to strip out the middleware layer, and
>> use sockets.
bb: if there is something better than straight
straight sockets, that would be fine. gotta
be SFO (simple, fast and open) though.
>> Is there a java/c package that can send data
>> from c (or c++) to java and vice versa?
>> The existing messages have arrays that are
>> varying length:
>> struct {
>> int array_length;
>> Points x[];
>> Symbols s[];
>> Text t[];
>> };
>> The existing layer takes care of this, as well
>> as all of the endian swapping.
>> Has anybody used anything similar that is
>> open sourced ( we are using linux).
-- H Brett Bolen
-- TCNi
-- Phone: 919 550-0828
-- eFax : 509 752-8446
I need to use some sort of network -- there is a server and a client
( the client is the java viewer, and the server sends out
map data and other data that moves in real time -- say cars, trucks,
torpedos). They may, but may not be on the same machine.
The java app doesn't pull the data, it mostly just takes messages
and draws ( as in 'apply the polygons to the screen' )the data. It
does send some user interface info to the server ( such as turn on
bathy and topo lines, etc).
This problem should be solved already -- send large structs
with varying sized arrays from a c program to a java program.
Corba is not the answer -- we want something that is simple
and fast ( and open source -- all the source code must be
delivered with the system).
Also we have an endian problem -- if there are ways to solve
that pass it on. The messages are pretty much fixed. I can
write the swap code on the server side if necessary.
any other idea?
Embedded responses below:
Jeff Knaus wrote:
> So, can you modify the C++ code?
> Does it need to act as a "server" or can you just invoke the c++ methods
> directly from your Java app?
Yes -- c++ server, java viewer as well as an X viewer. The viewer
machines will need to be different boxes.
> If the answer is the latter, you can just use JNI to wrap the c++ app in
> Java classes that expose the interfaces that you want to call.
No JNI -- different boxes.
> I'm presuming that the Java app is "pulling" data from the c++ app.
No. Things move, If a truck moves from P1 to P2, then I get updates
telling me to redraw the truck at the new position.
> If you really want to use sockets, I'd recommend wrapping the c++ app in
> Java classes (as described above), write your "server" code in Java
> (using ServerSocket and friends), letting JNI perform your "marshalling"
> b/w c++ and Java, then stream the data over the socket via an ObjectStream.
Writing the server in java is not an option. there are a lot of lines
of code in the geo server, and whole-lotta cpu computations ( round earth
to flat screen projections) and custom database lookups.
You might be saying to create a java shell around the c++ app:
--- server box -- -- client box --
================= ================
JavaShell( c++ geoserver) <====> Java Viewer
| |
| \ -- sockets
\ -- JNI
This could work, although I am worried about performance. I'm not
sure the 'customer' would like this approach, due to the extra
I got to believe that this is a common problem and has been
solved before.
When I worked on a homebrew corba compiler we did something like
message = fixed portion + variable portion.
replace pointers in fixed portion with indexes
into the variable portion.
handle endian if necessary.
send the buffer.
Because the corba app was generating c++ code, we had some
advantages ( we could automate the endian swapping code).
> -- Jeff
> H Brett Bolen wrote:
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: c++ communications.
>> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 08:47:32 -0400
>> From: H Brett Bolen <wingedlizard at nc.rr.com>
>> Reply-To: wingedlizard at nc.rr.com
>> To: "Juglist at Rtpjug.Org" <juglist at rtpjug.org>
-- H Brett Bolen
-- TCNi
-- Phone: 919 550-0828
-- eFax : 509 752-8446
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