[TriLUG] [Trilug-announce] Meeting Followups

Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Fri Jun 14 11:25:32 EDT 2002

Here we are, the day after, and as usual,we have a lot of things to
mention : 

- A Gigantic thanks to Hunter Mathews to giving a talk on his
open-source up2date server project Current with a prep time of literally
15 mins. 
You can find the latest version of Current at :
- Thanks to Steve Burnett for hacking the Airport base station for us
before the meeting 
- Thanks to IBM for the Sponsorship, the CDs, and the pens 
- Thanks to Maria Winslow for thinking of us for her survey - and the
candy *grin* 
- Thanks to everyone who donated to the Pizza fund! We had $73 in
donations last night. 
- A big thanks to everyone who showed up, and made it another great
TriLUG meeting! 

Next month, our scheduled speaker is Hannah Poteat on Intrusion
Detection. We'll see you on July 11, 2002! 

--      Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney      --
--  ICQ: 4855069            AIM: ksonney  --
320C 0336 3BC4 13EC 4AEC  6AF2 525F CED7 7BB6 12C9
"It's not stupid...it's ADVANCED"
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