[TriLUG] C# and .NET

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at apache.org
Sun Jun 30 22:25:22 EDT 2002

I liked what Sam said best:

"If you want to write one program for 7 different platforms, use Java. 
 If you want to write a program for 1 platform
using 7 different language, use .NET"

Sam while he gave a very nice technical analysis of .NET and pointed out 
advantages over Java, in the end he said he
still does all his work (minus what he must do for his role as ECMA 
convener for the .NET reference committee) in Java and has no plans to 
switch to C#.

Still, I'm not satisfied with Java for many reasons.  For one it has yet 
to achieve its perforamance promises (yes I know what Sun's benchmarks 
say, but I assure you they are BS).  Ultimately I find my bleeding edge 
flirtation will go towards:

http://www.opend.org - "D"


> > However, the Mono and dotGNU attempts to build
>> portable C# compilers and .NET frameworks sounds very exciting to me. I
>> think Microsoft, as usual, might try to be a big pain in the behind over
>> control of the specs/framework and will try to make the lives of the 
>> people
>> working on this open software alternative very difficult. This keeps 
>> me wary
> Why bother...do you have something against Java (or Sun)?
> There are only a few minor differences between the syntax of
> Java and C#...Java has a mature market and lots of _great_
> developer tools...including open source implementations of
> JVMs, appservers, IDEs and a wide variety of development
> frameworks, utilities and class libaries.
> Obviously, I'm a Java developer...so I'm more than a little
> biased...but why re-invent all the wheels?
> Despite some bad press, Sun has been very cooperative with
> open-source...especially of late.  Cooperation with open
> source groups is unthinkable from Microsoft.
> *********************************
> Chris Merrill
> cmerrill at nc.rr.com
> *********************************
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