[TriLUG] Theo is a not nice person
Andrew C. Oliver
acoliver at apache.org
Tue Jul 2 12:59:38 EDT 2002
John Franklin wrote:
>On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 08:23:24AM -0400, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>>Man, I'm feeling jealous. I'd love to have a few mail lists devoted
>>to what a ******* I am! That would be kinda cool.
>Doesn't take much! :) Get really pissy on the TriLUG list, abuse and
>alienate the SC and most of the membership, then start your own LUG.
>Hey, why not play it up a bit! Make yourself some ceremonial robes and
>put a bunch of lego-guys in circle around your desk bowing before your
>obvious magnificence!
Hey cool, I know that guy!
>Or you could laugh at this and stay the stable bloke you are.
>>He also has some great quotes:
>>"Since I am project leader, I must not be permitted to go insane."
>I swear, if he ever gets into politics...
I'd vote for him! Why not?
>>Wow that netBSD group seems pretty dysfunctional:
>We're actually a pretty happy group. More so without Theo. Theo isn't
>happy, but he has his own group now.
>>I thought apache was political!
>I remember when the split was happening. "I've seen mailing lists on
>fire off the shoulder of Orion." I was disappointed to see someone walk
>away from the project to start his own splinter project. At the time, I
>didn't think the world needed another BSD group, but the on going flame
>war had to stop.
>I will admit, though, that since then the OpenBSD group has done quite
>a bit to make BSD more secure (many of their patches are mirrored into
>Net and Free) and to raise the awareness of BSD in general.
humm.. I just realized something:
ssh -l acoliver jakarta.apache.org
uname -a
FreeBSD daedalus.apache.org 4.6-STABLE FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE #5: Wed Jun 26
6 PDT 2002 brian at daedalus.apache.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/daedalus i386
acoliver at daedalus-java :java -version
java version "1.2.2"
Classic VM (build jdk1.2.2-FreeBSD:brian:2000/09/24-18:08, green
threads, nojit)
And looked on the page from which this originated, and apparently Java
isn't as poorly supported on BSD as I thought...
Perhaps one day one of my servers shall run it... Cool.
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