[TriLUG] [OT] Desk Toys and Real men (was: Re: Theo is a not nice person)

Kevin Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Tue Jul 2 21:18:31 EDT 2002

On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 14:09, Robby Dermody wrote:
> pfft, Lego men are for wannabes. You want REAL power? It takes a real man to
> tame a pokemon. Go out and get a bunch of pokemon dolls and put them in a
> circle. Then tell your friends. They will think you are sooo cool, trust me.

Who needs pokemon? The Darth Sidious Himself sits upon my desk (right
next to Mr. Bad Ass Darth Maul) awaiting my command. The Sithlords are
my "beetches." And if that's not enough power, I'll sic my Horned Reaper
(from Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 - alas, I don't think they ever made a figure
for the Mistress or the Bile Demons or the Imps, but I digress) on you. 

He's *REALLY* Evil. 

> Real men also say "1 pwn j00!" or "j00 b3 0wN3d!"...I'm not sure exactly how
> you pronounce that, but I know that's what they say because I've seen it in
> IRC channels. And we all know that ALL the real men hang out on EFNet.

HAHAHAHA. I'm reminded of the boss' kid in badtech (which is, sadly,
ended this april, and unless someone has archives, it's gone forever)

Real men don't need to be 'l33t
--         Kevin Sonney         --
--  ICQ: 4855069  AIM: ksonney  --
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 "Yeah, I'm Samoan, what of it?" "Are you also an attorney?" "Actually,
 yes. I am an attorney." "Excellent. Let's ride." -- "Fear and
 Toothgnip...", Goats 10/11/99 http://www.goats.com
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