[TriLUG] sendmail is FINALLY working!!

Greg Brown gregbrown at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 10 20:23:38 EDT 2002

I have a(nother) question for ya-all.  After checking out the TriLUG 
website I thought it would be nice to have a place for how-tos.  I 
finally fixed my sendmail box that's been, well, bugging me for months. 
  I'd just tell everyone what I did but I'm not 100% how I fixed it yet 
(I still need to go through my diff of my /etc/sendmail.cf file 
(/etc/mail/sendmail.mc was the same before and after my fix, 
strangely)).  Anyway, I wimped out and fixed the problem with linuxconf 
so I'm not feeling 100% geeky right now but when I figure out what is 
different in sendmail.cf I'll feel a lot better.

Anyway, so it's be nice to have a place on triLUG to put how-tos, I 

(e-mailing from my iBook THROUGH my firewall for nearly the first time),


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