[TriLUG] Installfest and Parking (or the lack thereof!)---big round building behind the Library!!

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Thu Oct 17 14:39:58 EDT 2002

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 14:03, al johson wrote:
> OK, so I'm trying the best I can to make the Installfest at NCSU this Sat.
> (19th),primarily because I figure it'll be one of the closest ones to Cary.
> Found Harrlelson Building, it's a big round building behind the library for
> those who don't care to wander through NCSU's online maps (yes, there are
> many!!).
>      Once I found it, I had my wife ask some NCSU co-workers where you can
> park to get to it. They all said there is "no parking for that building", at
> least none nearby, as well as few roads to it if you believe the map. So I'd
> like to know how we can not only park but get fairly close up so we can
> carry in some of our heavy computers??? If there is already a plan in place
> for this, I'd love to hear it, as I'm sure many others would too.  See you
> there!!!  Al Johnson.

Hi Al,

Parking is terrible on weekdays, but my impression is that you shouldn't
have a problem on Saturday.

There appears to be lots of parking along Yarbrough Dr., which is not
really that far from Harrelson at all.  I suggest turning into campus
near Lampe Dr, going it past the engineering area to drop off your
computer at the "front" of Harrelson, and then parking anywhere along
there or on Yarbrough.  (see map)

I will also have a hand-truck thingy to help people carry in their
computers, although the distances really aren't that big.


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