[TriLUG] And more Linux news from the latest ed. of Lockergnome's Penguin Shell

Janyne Kizer janyne_kizer at ncsu.edu
Wed Dec 11 10:39:40 EST 2002

The group that I am in has three full time employees supporting 1400
users at 100 sites.  We are halfway through a Solaris to Linux
conversion.  We are using Red Hat and KDE as well.  Our call cue has
dropped as we added Linux servers.  We also had about 10 Windows
Terminal servers that have been replaced.  

al johson wrote:
> Finally, Newsforge has an excellent article on the City of Largo, Florida. A
> little more than a year ago, Largo moved it's employees to Red Hat and KDE
> 2.1.1. The article is a followup to an earlier visit to and piece on the
> city. Author Robin Miller writes:
> We noted on our last Largo visit, and note once again, that these are the
> least harassed, least worried, calmest sysadmins we have ever met. They have
> one of the smallest and least-worked help desks we have ever seen -- five
> people who support 450+ client units and over 800 users, and it is all done
> without any fuss, muss or hurry.
> One of the better reasons for a taxpayer funded locality to move to an open
> source IT model? Largo spends 1.3% of its total gross budget on IT. That
> compares to an average of 3-4% in other municipalities across the country


Janyne Kizer
Systems Programmer Administrator
NC State University, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Extension Information Technology

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