[TriLUG] Win4Lin(was linuux mouse kvm problems)

Ryan Leathers Ryan.Leathers at globalknowledge.com
Sat Jan 11 11:08:00 EST 2003

I won the Win4Lin giveaway at the last meeting.  I thought it might be
worthwhile to report my observations of the product for anyone who might
be curious.
In order to install you really do need to read the provided
instructions.  Once I did so installation and configuration was a breeze
on my Redhat 8.0 Dell Inspiron 7500.

I have been a VMWare user for some time now, so I had some expectations
for performance and behavior with Win4Lin.  I am happy to report that my
expectations have been surpassed.  The performance is quite good and the
management/configuration tools are both powerful and intuitive.  

I chose to install Win98SE with the virtual networking option.  I use
Outlook to access my company's Exchange server and also need to run a
web-app which requires the Microsoft JVM, so I need IE.  I'm also a
Visio user (I like Kivio just fine but I need to edit co-workers native
Visio drawings).  I have used VMWare in the past to help with my OS
schizophrenia, but recently I have just been running two machines with
SAMBA shares for common data access.

Win4Lin is running all of the Windows apps I have thrown at it so far
without any complaints or surprises.  
If you need to run a variety of OS's on one box then VMWare is tough to
beat.  But at $300 its not for everyone.  If you only need to run Win98
on a Linux box then Win4Lin is looking great at $90.  If you have more
time than money then stick with WINE or something.

My 2 cents


-----Original Message-----
From: al johson [mailto:alfjon at mindspring.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 4:11 AM
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Win4Lin(was linuux mouse kvm problems)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Portzer" <jeremyp at pobox.com>
To: <trilug at trilug.org>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Win4Lin(was linuux mouse kvm problems)

> On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 11:26, Lisa C. Boyd wrote:
> > Roy Vestal wrote:
> > > Be careful. M$ has officially stopped supporting Win95 and plans
> > > supporting Win98/Me by the end of Summer 2003. This will affect
> > > that use Win4Lin, suchas myself.
> >
> > Well, to be honest, I don't use Microsoft support anyways so I
> > care about calling them with questions :) Although I have Win2k so
> > that isn't supported under Win4Lin I might have to rethink some
> I think by "support" he meant that Microsoft will stop releasing
> hotfixes and updates to fix security and other bugs.
Uh, I believe that Microsoft stopped supporting any of the Win9x series
long time ago. The only people to my knowledge who receive such support
those who send a hefty check to Microsoft in order to receive patches
such. If what Microsoft does now is considered "support", I would
that "non-support" wouldn't be much different. There was a time long ago
when everyone could go to the Microsoft website and get lots of free
and free upgrades for their W9x OS's. But that generosity ceased long
The only thing Microsoft is interested in now is their latest and
"allegedly" greatest new OS. And that support only lasts until their
OS comes out.

It's akin to having all Microsoft users on drugs with Microsoft as their
dealer--- You have to buy a new OS, if you want a fix!!! If you want to
an old OS, you still have to pay for a fix for that as well!!! Quite
different from Linux support, isn't it??
----Happy New Year, everyone---Al Johnson.

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