Linux economics (was Re: [TriLUG] Win4Lin(was linuux mouse kvm problems))

Mike M linux-support at
Sat Jan 11 11:51:25 EST 2003

On Saturday 11 January 2003 11:08, Ryan Leathers wrote:
> If you need to run a variety of OS's on one box then VMWare is tough to
> beat.  But at $300 its not for everyone.  If you only need to run Win98
> on a Linux box then Win4Lin is looking great at $90.  If you have more
> time than money then stick with WINE or something.

I like talking about money.

Since hardware is so cheap another option is use two PCs - one for Linux and 
the other for Windows.  This option makes for a cluttered desk but there's 
one less software running.   One might also argue that buying another PC is 
more efficient use of money than buying software since the PC has more varied 
alternative uses.

Isn't it great to have options?  Monopolies don't think so.  They consider 
options to be inefficient, at least that's what turn of the century 
industrialists thought.

Is it possible to cut/paste between VMWare or Win4Lin and KDE/Gnome?
Mike M.

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